Dengue and Cholera Spread Across Country, Sparing Only Humla and Mustang

Published 2024 Aug 24 Saturday

Kathmandu: Dengue and cholera infections have surged across Nepal with the onset of the rainy season, affecting almost all districts except Humla and Mustang. According to the Epidemiology and Disease Control Division, dengue has now spread to 75 districts, with a total of 5,119 reported cases. Tragically, three people have lost their lives to the disease this year.

Dr. Gokarna Prasad Dahal, Head of the Department of Entomological Disease Branch, highlighted that the aedesaegypti and aedesalbopictus mosquitoes, which thrive in clean standing water, are responsible for transmitting dengue. The Kathmandu Valley has also seen a significant number of cases, with 421 in Kathmandu, 58 in Bhaktapur, and 79 in Lalitpur.

The Ministry of Health and Population has urged citizens to actively participate in the 'Search and Destroy Mosquitoes' campaign every Friday, particularly in government and non-government offices as well as hospital premises. The government has also committed to covering the treatment costs for dengue patients in government hospitals.

In addition to dengue, cholera has also been reported in various parts of the country. So far, 67 cases of cholera have been confirmed, with 47 in Lalitpur, nine in Kathmandu, eight in Kailali, two in Pyuthan, and one in Makwanpur.

Health authorities are on high alert and have emphasized the importance of preventive measures to control the spread of these diseases.
